Sunday 7 July 2024

Pizza Run - Wed 17 July


The annual Enfield Hash Pizza Run returns – Wed 17 July, 7:30pm.

Usual format – go for a run, make a pizza, drink a beer, eat the pizza, make another pizza, drink another beer. Everything provided, just bring a fiver.

RSVP to webmaster AT enfieldhash DOT org, so that our chef knows how much pizza dough to prepare!

Follow the P trail from Grange Park station, or the arrows along Houndsden Road, to Dave’s house.


Saturday 1 June 2024

Run 298 - Bush Hill Park - Wed 19 June

Our June run is from The Beehive at Bush Hill Park.

Not only was The Beehive voted Enfield's Best Pub, it also has a mini zoo in the garden. Oh, and we'll be going for a run too.

7:30pm. Best stations are Grange Park or Bush Hill Park (both a bit of a walk).  P trail TBC.


Tuesday 14 May 2024

Run 297 - 25th birthday run - Queens Head at Winchmore Hill - 15 May

 Hi All

The 25th birthday run is from The Queens Head, Winchmore Hill. 7:30pm.

Very short P-trail from Winchmore Hill station.

There will be post-run cake...


Monday 15 April 2024

Run 296 - Highbury & Islington - Wed 17 April

Enfield Hash ventures south this month to Highbury & Islington.

Meet at Brewhouse and Kitchen, opposite Highbury & Islington station.

7:30pm start as usual.


Saturday 23 March 2024

Run 295 - The Wonder - Wed 27 March

Better late than never - the March Enfield Hash is from The Wonder.

Spring may be here, but you'll still need a torch. At least the mud has (mostly) gone.

Wed 27 March, 7:30pm. P trail from Gordon Hill station.


Tuesday 23 January 2024

Run 294 - The Cricketers - Wed 28 February

 EARLY START TIME - please arrive at 7pm for a prompt 7:10pm start - EARLY START TIME

We have a joint run this month with Enfield Chasers.

Meet at The Cricketers on Chase Side, on 28 February (note the change from our usual third Wednesday - do not turn up on the 21st!)  And bring a torch.

There will be a P trail from Enfield Chase station, just a few minutes walk away.


Sunday 14 January 2024

Run 293 - Jolly Farmers - Wed 17 January

Our next run is from The Jolly Farmers.

7:30pm, Wed 17 January.

P trail from Enfield Chase station (and there are also buses or a jog downhill from Oakwood).

Bring a torch, hat, gloves and down jackets! The forecast is chilly.
